Lippincotts video series for Brunner & Suddarths textbook of medical-surgical nursing DVD
著者:[by arrangement with Lippincott Williams & Wilkins/ Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.] ; translated by Liao Bo Wen
關鍵字:(VV) WY150 T355 disc1-8 2011
Module 1. Caring for a patient experiencing complications from chemotherapy = 照護化學治療併發症的病人 (21.5 minutes) -- module 2. Caring for a patient with HIV/AIDS-related pneumocystis pneumonia = 照護人類免疫不全症愛滋病肺囊蟲肺炎的病人 (21 minutes) -- module 3. Caring for a patient with possible myocardial infarction = 照護疑似心肌梗塞的病人 (19 minutes) -- module 4. Caring for a patient with heart failure = 照護心臟衰竭的病人 (27.5 minutes) -- module 5. Caring for a patient with diverticulitis = 照護憩室炎的病人 (15 minutes) -- module 6. Caring for a patient with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes = 照護新診斷為第二型糖尿病的病人 (25.5 minutes) -- module 7: Caring for a patient following an AV Shunt Placement = 照護接受動靜脈廔管接合術的病人 (26 minutes) -- module 8: Caring for a patient who has had a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) = 照護腦血管意外的病人 (31.5 minutes)
索書號:(VV) WY150 T355 disc1-8 2011
條碼:3178958-62; 3521087-89
播放次數 : 3630
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